
Compass is a developer portal that centralizes and unifies real-time representations of your engineering output. It enables you to track the components your engineering teams build, providing a comprehensive overview of your projects.

Compass seamlessly complements Jira, which focuses on tracking the effort and tasks involved in developing these components, ensuring a cohesive workflow and enhanced project management. With Compass, you can monitor progress, manage dependencies, and ensure alignment across your teams, ultimately driving more efficient and effective software development.

Compass is ideal for the following roles:

Developers – Manage code deployment and operations, learn about software architecture, and find information on components, owners, resources, and relationships.

Engineering Managers – Lead teams, onboard new members, track component health and performance, and gain insights into operational status.

Compass helps modern engineering organizations tackle development sprawl and improve overall operational health. Learn more about managing sprawl with Compass.

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Compass Features

Enhance software health and standards

Monitor software health metrics, implement security and health scorecards, and enable teams to enhance their developer experience.

Gain valuable insights to enhance your developer experience

Effortlessly monitor DORA, SPACE, and DevEx metrics across teams and services to pinpoint bottlenecks and enhance your Developer Experience.

Remove uncertainty from incident response

Never be caught searching during an incident. Swiftly pinpoint service ownership and crucial details like recent changes, dependencies, errors, and more.

Locate it quicker

Don’t navigate through multiple repositories, channels, or documents. Whether on-call or developing a new service, streamline your search time by accessing all necessary details in one centralized catalog.

Main aspects of Compass

Component catalog

Centralized repository of your organization’s software components, consolidating scattered information and teams into one cohesive platform. Navigate through your software architecture, monitor components and their relationships, identify owning teams, and manage the tools and practices driving these components. This ensures not only their operational efficiency but also continuous improvement.

Apps and integrations

Robust platform enabling the creation of custom apps and integrations, with upcoming features focusing on component discovery and data ingestion from external tools. This enhances visibility into component status and health, facilitating informed decision-making.

Teams and culture

Comprehensive guidance within Compass to foster behaviors that enhance your organization’s development and operational practices, promoting a strong collaborative culture.

Our experience with Atlassian 

Over 10 years of experience. Over 200 successful implementations. Dozens of different uses.

Visit our Case Studies page to learn how did we implement in other organizations.