Discover our Free Apps

Free Apps by Almarise

Besides our premium, paid Apps we have also developed some simple and free extensions to popular Atlassian products. These Apps are supplied free of charge, providing a valid license to anyone who wants to install them on their environment.

Please keep in mind that these Apps are not upgraded as often as the paid products, though the Almarise team continues to support them.

Discover what can your organization gain thanks to these little beauties.

Visual Links

Visualization of Links Between Issues and Issue Hierarchy. Visual Links allows you to actually see the links between your Jira Issues. You can choose between two display modes – a list and a graph. Upon clicking on any of the Issues, you can see the individual links and can modify the links between the Issues on the fly.

The App is available for Jira Server and Jira Service Management Server.

Visual Links App Demonstration

Component Picker

Custom Fields with Project Components. Component Picker is a simple App, adding two additional Custom Fields to your Jira and Jira Service Desk – simple component and multiple components.

The App is available for Jira Server and Jira Service Management Server.


IT Infrastructure Monitoring, Gadgets and Alerts. PULSE allows you to monitor the IT infrastructure and services directly from Jira and Jira Service Desk. The App will automatically create Issues in case of incident and/or service outage.

Thanks to PULSE you can get rid of all external services, and rely on Jira itself. Simple reports and gadgets will let the administrators know, when something goes wrong. “System Health” meters can be made available for users without a Jira account as well.

The App is available for Jira Server and Jira Service Management Server.

Pulse Monitoring Gadgets and Demo
Project Field Manager Demo

Project Field Manager

All Important Project Info on One Page. Project Field Manager allows displaying all the important project information on a single page. Besides that, it lets you add Custom Fields to Jira Projects and makes searching through projects (with JQL queries) possible.

The App is available for Jira Server.


Free time-tracking solution for Jira. Get timesheets in Jira and JSM Customer Portal.

Manage access to your team’s worklogs to make sure your data stays secure.

View your worklogs in an intuitive way and generate reports from pre-defined periods.

Display overview from multiple users, projects or issues at once.

The App is available for Jira Server and Data Center.

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