5 Ways to Organize Your Project Management: Techniques for a Better Workflow

By Published On: 9 November 2022

When you’re working with a team, it can be tricky to keep track of every project. There are so many moving parts, and if one thing falls out of place it will throw the whole production into chaos. Keeping on top of things is crucial to success, and there are many techniques for organizing your project management that will make your workday much easier. Whether you’ve just started working in project management or you want to streamline your process, read on for five tips on how to organize your project management. These strategies will help you get things organized and back on track so that everything runs smoothly. Read on to learn more!

Keep Everything in One Place

To organize your project management, you’ll need to keep all of your data in one place. This way, you and all team members will have access to everything they need. All communication, tasks, documents, and all other project management data, such as a project’s financials, should be stored in one central location. Let’s say you’re working with a team on a website for a company. You all work remotely, so you need a cloud-based solution to keep your data secure. Using cloud-based project management software will enable you to keep everything in one place. This way, you can be sure that everyone is working with the latest version of a document and that no one is looking at out-of-date data.

Use a Collaboration Platform

When you’re organizing your project management, you’ll want to use a collaboration platform to keep your team on the same page. This will allow you to easily share information, like documents and calendars, and collaborate with your team. That way, everyone will be able to see what’s going on in your projects, such as due dates and milestones. You can even set up automatic alerts in your calendar so you don’t forget anything important. Let’s say you’re working with a team to develop a software product. You can use your collaboration platform to share information about the project, including the product roadmap and product requirements. Your team members can then review these documents and leave notes so that everyone is on the same page. What tools do we recommend? Of course, Jira and Confluence from Atlassian stack or Asana for simpler projects.

Track Milestones

One way to organize your project management is to track the big rocks, called milestones. They are the most critical tasks that need to happen in the project. These will be the things that will make or break your project, so you want to make sure you get them right. Let’s say you’re working on a website for a client. You’ll want to make sure you get the design and functionality just right, so you can sell your product. You’ll want to make sure that design and functionality are your milestones. Having the big rocks tracked will help you to stay focused and avoid getting distracted by less important tasks that may come up throughout the project. It will also help you to prioritize your work, so you can make sure you’re spending your time wisely.

Know When Something is Out of Scope

Another way to organize your project management is to know when something is out of scope. This will help you to stay on track and make sure that you’re working on the right tasks at the right time. Let’s say there’s a new task that comes up in your project. To figure out if it’s in scope or out of scope, ask yourself these questions: Why do we need to do this? What will happen if we don’t do this? What should happen if we do this? The answers to these questions will help you to determine if the task is in scope or out of scope. Why do we need to do this? What will happen if we don’t do this? What should happen if we do this? If the task is important, but the project doesn’t need it right away, then it’s out of scope. If the task is important but needs to be done in the project, then it’s in scope.

Estimate Task Durations

Another way to organize your project management is to estimate task durations. This will help you to stay on schedule, so you know if your project is running on schedule or if you have any issues. Let’s say you have a project to create a website for a client. You’ll want to estimate the duration of each task so that you can stay on schedule and make sure the website will get done by the deadline. Using your team’s experience and data from past projects, estimate how long each task in your project will take. This will help you to stay on schedule, so you know when the project will be finished. It will also let your client know when the project will be complete so they can plan their own schedules around it.


Organizing your project management can be tricky, but it’s crucial to success. There are many techniques for organizing your project management, including keeping all of your data in one place and using a collaboration platform. You should also track the big rocks, know when something is out of scope, and estimate task durations. With these strategies, you can be sure that you’re working on the right tasks at the right time.

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Written by : Ariana Kaya

Operations & Partner Manager at Almarise